Are you tired of spending hours at your computer trying to locate what you need to actually get work done? The Ultimate Content Bank will help you go from scattered to organized using this done-for-you Airtable template to learn how to organize, batch, and repurpose your content & products to help you save time so you can make more sales!
(Regularly $27)
I love working with Rebekah [...] because she is so knowledgeable about the program and makes it so easy for me to apply what I've learned. She helped me get organized with my business by providing me with step-by-step actions and great templates to get me started. Nothing was overwhelming. Rebekah makes getting organized desirable and I feel better about myself that I'm more productive. The amount of support I got from her during the program was priceless. If you're running in circles with your business or personal life, you really need this!
I can't believe how calm I feel right now, how good and centered ... I just wanted to tell you that I honestly don't believe that I would be where I am if I hadn't signed up for your summit. I joined your Calm the Chaos Facebook group, I joined your Voxer coaching program, and your class. I know for a fact that this is the main thing that I changed in my life. Not much else has changed. There is still this overwhelming amount of stuff that I have to do but the difference is working with you and using Asana and you know just really having that guidance and that support to go on ahead and get more organized. I can't thank you deeply enough.
I am so grateful to Rebekah for everything she has done to help me in my business! We first met 4 years ago as new bloggers, and I have been in her 1:1 monthly coaching program for the past year. When we started working together, I was struggling to prioritize all of my ideas into the most important tasks. I had an overall overwhelmed feeling like I never had enough time to get everything done. Using a combination of strategies we have worked on over the past year, I am relieved to be more focused and productive in my business. I highly recommend working with Rebekah!
Hi, I’m Rebekah, and I eat extra difficult life circumstances for breakfast.
Here's my story:
I have three kids, and among the three of them, they experience ALL of these - anxiety, ADHD, autism, chronic medical issues, epilepsy, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, spinal surgery, and food allergies.
When my eldest was 8, she went into acute liver failure which led to multiple organ failures. Doctors put her in a medically induced coma, and she fought for her life in the ICU for a month.
She came home from the hospital after 2 more months, but she still needed full-time medical attention with supplemental oxygen 24 hours a day, a feeding tube, several medications, and a heart rate issue.
I became a stay-at-home mom.
We had too many medical issues to care for, too many doctor appointments, and too many therapy sessions to attend.
I didn’t think I could ever work again with this many things going on.
But as my daughter improved, I decided I wanted more from life. I needed something that gave me hope and gave me a creative outlet.
I still wanted to follow my dreams, goals, and passions.
The shift from that point to becoming who I am now - a successful, profitable productivity coach, an online business manager, and course creator - has been quite a journey.
I've learned how to do all of this while still juggling the needs of my 3 daughters and living through the challenges of the pandemic.
The beginning was difficult. There never was enough time.
Here’s what helped:
✔️ Setting healthy boundaries by learning to say NO
✔️ My own mindset and inner work
✔️ Daily mindfulness practices
Grab this free tool to organize and repurpose your content so you can save time and make more sales!
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